Rooms and suites

Room information

At Hotel Riviera Vista we try to make our rooms as comfortable as possible.

We are very concerned about the atmosphere, therefore we do not change towels and bed linen every day. If you need a towel or would like your bed linen to be changed, please leave it in the shower. Our housekeeping team will freshen your room five times a week between 08:00h and 15:00h hours.

If you have a preference as to what time you would like your room cleaned, please let Reception know; we will do our best to accommodate your request, always taking into account the needs of the service. If you do not want your room to be cleaned, just put the "do not disturb" sign on the door.

Please do not use the towels or room linen outside the establishment. If you find any disturbance or discomfort in your room, please contact Reception to try to solve the problem.

The room has air conditioning. If you wish to use the air conditioning, please ask for the remote control at reception.


T: +34 928 725 337



C/Paiño, 5 - 35138, Mogán
Gran Canaria, Spain
